Cute Crochet Little Red Riding Hood Free Pattern

Hello dear Amigurumi Followers
Today we share one free amigurumi crochet pattern again for you. As you know we share new amigurumi free patterns every day. The main crochets are amigurumi gazelles, amigurumi bears, amigurumi pola, amigurumi pandas, amigurumi penguins, amigurumi giraffes, amigurumi llama, amigurumi pigs, amigurumi bunny, amigurumi clowns, amigurumi lambs, amigurumi bees, amigurumi unicorns, amigurumi dolls, amigurumi foxes, amigurumi penguins, amigurumi dinosaurs, amigurumi elephants, amigurumi hippos, amigurumi monkeys, amigurumi cats, amigurumi dogs and more …
Todays daily new amigurumi free crochet pattern is amigurumi doll
I want to give you some informations about this pattern ;

If you enjoy making amigurumi, here I share this easy and free amigurumi pattern for you for free. Your kids will love these toys.

*Silicon is for glueing the hair.
*The size of the hook is 0.55.
*The size of safety eye is 2.5 mm.
*Soft pastels can be used for makeup.
*4 pyl rayon lace yarn (I use brand ‘Leylak’). Yarn codes: Red:1616, Blue:4871, Brown:1805, Skin Colour: 1108

MR: Magic Ring
sc: Single crochet
stitch inc: Single crochet increase
dec: Single crochet decrease
dc: Double crochet
hdc: Half double crochet stitch
ch: Chain
stitch tog: Together
st: Stitch
sts: Stitches
sist: slip stitch
BLO: Back loops only
FLO: Front loops only

Arms (make two)
Start crocheting with skin color yarn.
Note: Push the ring outward to make the right side out by the hook or scissors.
Round 1: 8sc in MR
Round 2-20 (19 rounds): 8sc
Note: Please stuff the arms with fiberfill loosely. Do not use too much fiber. Also, leave a long yarn after closing the arms across in order to sew.

Legs (make two)
Start crocheting with red color yarn.
Round 1: 7ch, (Start from 2. chain), 5sc, [3sc in one stitch), 4sc, inc (14)
Round 2: inc, 4sc, 3inc, 4sc, 2inc (20)
Round 3: BLO 20sc
Round 4-5 (2 Rounds): 20sc
Round 6: 5sc, (4dec), 7sc (16)
Round 7: 4sc, dec (sc3tog), dec, 5sc (12)
Round 8-9 (2 Rounds): 12sc
Change to white color yarn.
Round 10: BLO 125c
Round 11-12 (2 Rounds):12sc
Change to skin color yarn
Round 13: BLO, 12sc 14-31 (18 Rounds): 12sc
Note: Please stuff the legs with fiberfill as you crochet.
Note: (Round 13): FLO, Ch 1 (1sc chain 1)x12 slst to the first st and fasten off

Change to white color yarn
Round 1: 3 chains, 12sc (around the first leg), 3sc (along 3ch), 12sc (around the second leg), 3sc on chains (30 sc)
Round 2-6(5 Rounds): 30sc
Round 7: (3sc, 1dec)x6 (24)
Change to skin color yarn.
Round 8-17 (10 Rounds): 24sc Proceed to join the arms. Adjust the marker to be located on the back
Round 18: Crochet 5sc from the body, and join the arm with 4sc. Crochet 8sc from the body, combine the arm with 4sc, and crochet 3sc from the body. (24)
Round 19: (2sc, 1dec)x6 (18)
Round 20: (1sc, 1dec)x6 (12)

Continue with the skin colour yarn
Round 1-2 (2 rounds): 12sc
Round 3: 12inc (24)
Round 4: (3sc, 1inc)x6 (30)
Round 5: (4sc, inc)x6 (36)
Round 6: (5sc, 1inc)x6 (42)
Round 7: (6sc, 1inc)x6 (48)
Round 8: (7sc, 1inc)x6 (54)
Round 9-21 (13 rounds): 54sc
Note: Insert the safety eyes between rounds 12 and 13. The number of stitches between two eyes should be 7 after placing the eyes (9 stiches before placing the eyes).
Round 22: (7sc, 1dec)x6 (48)
Round 23: (6sc, 1dec)x6 (42)
Round 24: (5sc, 1dec)x6 (36)
Round 25: (4sc, 1dec)x6 (30)
Round 26: (3sc, 1dec)x6 (24)
Round 27: (2sc, 1dec)x6 (18)
Round 28: (1sc, 1dec)x6 (12)
Round 29: (dec) x6
Note: Close the remaining six sc by decreasing.

Start with the white colour yarn
Round 1: Chain 26, (Start from 2. chain), 25sc, 1ch, turn
Round 2: inc, 23sc, inc, 1ch, turn (27)
Round 3: 4sc, 6ch, skip 5sc, 9sc, 6ch, skip 5sc, 4sc, 1ch, turn (29)
Round 4: 3sc, inc, 6ch (in 6 chains), inc, 7sc, inc, 6ch (in 6 chains), inc, 3sc, 1ch, turn (33)
Round 5-9 (5 Rounds): 33sc
Change to blue color yarn
Round 10: (BLO, 1hdc, inchdc)x16, 1hdc (49), sist, 1ch.
Round 11-17 (7 Rounds): 49hdc
Change to white color yarn
Round 18: BLO, 49hdc
Round 19: 49hdc(inc), 98 Make red cross stitches on the top of the dress.
Ruffle of the Dress
Start with the white color yarn
Attach yarn to the FLO at round 10 and make (3 ch, sist)33
Start with the blue color yarn
Attach yarn to the FLO at the round 18 and make (3dc)49

Hair Cap
Round 1: 6 sc MR
Round 2: (inc)x6 12sc
Round 3: (1sc,inc)x6 (18)
Round 4: (2sc,inc)x6 (24)
Round 5: 24sc
Please continue from the 5th row without cutting the yarn.
Hair Strands
Strand 1-6: Chain 12, starting from the third chain from your hook, 10hdc, sist in the next st on the cap. Strand 7-24: Chain 45, starting from the third chain from your hook, 43hdc, sist in the next st on the cap (18 Strands).
Note: Glue the hair from the back side. First, glue the cap on the top of the head in order to fix it. Then, glue the strands.

Round 1: Chain 91, starting from the second chain from your hook, 90dc, chain 2 and turn
Round 2-8 (7 Rounds): 90dc (Please, leave a long yarn in order to sew)
Front Ruffle
Ch1 (2dc, chain 2)x90 sist to the first st and fasten off.
Note: Join the two ends of the hoodie (see pic 5 and 6) and sew. Turn the hood over after sewing.
Hood String
120 chain, Thread string into the hood sequentially as shown in pictures 8 and 9.

Round 1: 6 sc MR
Round 2: (inc)x6 12sc
Round 3: (1sc,inc)x6 (18)
Round 4- (2sc,inc)x6 (24)
Round 8: (3sc, inc)x6 (36)
Round 9: 36 sc
Round 10: BLO 365c
Round 11-14 (4 Rounds): 36sc
Please continue from the 14th row without cutting the yarn in order to make the bag handle.
Bag Handle
18 ch, skip 17 sts from the last round of the bag sist to the 18th st.

Please use red color yarn.
Round 1: 6sc in MR
Round 2: inc x6 (12sc)
Round 3: (1sc, 1inc)x6 (18)
Round 4: 18sc
Round 5: (1sc, 1dec)x6 (12)
Round 6: (dec)x6
Note: Please, stuff it with a piece of fiber so it can take the shape of an apple. After that close the circle.
Rachis of the Apple
I haven’t made the rachis of the apple, however, if you like to make it green, brown, or the color you like could be used.
Round 1: 6ch (Start to crochet in the second chain from the hook), 1sc, 3dc, 1sc, sist Please glue or sew the green rachis to the apple.

More Amigurumi Doll İdeas

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